Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 182: I AM AN IRONMAN!!!

Day 182: Today I became an Ironman. Below is how my day unfolded, but I will warn you it is long. I hope you enjoy it.

I AM AN IRONMAN!!! There are so many words that I could use to describe this day, but if I had to just use one word it would be UNFORGETTABLE!!!! That is truly what is was and there is nothing that could take that away. Before I talk about the amazing day I had as I became an Ironman, I first want to do some thanking. First and for most I want to thank GOD for keeping me strong and health and safe through this whole experience. If it wasn’t for him none of this would have been possible. Also the amazing support I had from my amazing husband for putting up with me the whole time I was training and not seeing me a lot during those long training days. I could not have done it with out his amazing support.  Also my family teaching me that you can do anything you put your mind to and to never give up. All the life lessons and their support is another reason I was able to accomplish this amazing goal of mine. All my friends as well you guys are awesome supporters as well. I learned so much for all of you that I have trained with as well and learned so much. Thanks for all the advice you all have gave me. Everyone in my life truly helped me out in this amazing journey and I couldn’t have done any of this without you. Thanks!!!!

The Best Support Crew Ever!!! Couldn't have done it without them.

With that said this is how my day unfolded.

Usually the morning of the race I am always nervous. No matter how many times I have raced the distance nerves always get the best of me in the morning. Today though there were no nerves!!! It was the weirdest thing ever to wake up in the morning and be perfectly calm and feel ready and just excited for the day to start. My day started at 4:30 am, even though I didn’t sleep much I woke up still full of energy. I got my morning oatmeal and just relaxed while I ate. When transition opened at 5am I put last minute stuff in my bags that I knew I would need and pumped up my tires. Knowing I still had to tape up my knees, Misty and my dad dropped off my special needs bags for me so I could head back up to the room to tape my knees and get everything put on that I need for the start of the race. As I was walking down to the start I ran into all the Get Fit Atlanta (GFA) people. It was nice to see familiar athlete faces in the morning. With the race starting at 7 am around 6:30 we all headed down to the water to get ready for the start and this is when I knew it was going to be an amazing day. Not only would this be my first Ironman, but it was also the 10th anniversary of Ironman Wisconsin and not only that, but I knew this race was going to be one no one would ever forget as well because it was also the 10th anniversary of Sept. 11. This truly was going to be an amazing day that will also be an emotional day as well. They had some different things they were going to do since it was the 10th anniversary of Sept. 11.

The Swim: 2 loop course in Lake Monona
I finally got into the water around 6:45; the water temperature was around 70 degrees and perfectly calm. Just then I knew it was going to be a good day. As I started the swim out into the lake I felt calm and relax. I was really just ready to getting this race started. As I work my way out into the lake the gun goes off for the pros to start and that time I knew I had 10 mins to get myself in the place where I wanted to start for the race. I made my way to the ski ramp which is where I decided I wanted to be and by they time I got out there, they had a moment of silence and then from there I said my little prayer and continued to tread water until the gun when off. As I was treading water waiting for the gun to go off it was amazing looking around at everyone in the water and thinking that we all have one goal in mind and that is to become an IRONMAN. For some it may be their first and other it could be their second, four, or however many, but we all have the same goal to cross that finish line to hear those famous words. As I was looking around and before I knew it the gun went off and arms and legs went lying. So I was finally experiencing my first real mass start and I loved it. I took the first 30 seconds or so and swam with my head out of the water trying to prevent myself from getting hit in the head right away. Once I felt comfortable and relaxed I lowered my head into the water and away I went. I took the swim one buoy at a time and it seemed to work for me. Yes I did get hit in the head a few times nothing major. The hardest hit I took was an elbow to the head. I also got my goggles hit so I had to stop for a sec and fix those. Everyone I talked to before hand said try to settle in behind someone and draft off them, but for me every time I would find someone to draft off that is when I found myself get hit. So I always sited for an opening somewhere where I could just stay relaxed and enjoy the swim. Oh and I forgot to mention that also they were having a fly by at 7:30 which I was bummed about, because I would be swimming and wouldn’t be able to see it. So as I heard them fly over head I kept my stroke going but pulled my head out of the water to see if I could see them. No joy in finding them so then it was back to focusing and just keep swimming. Many times during the swim I caught myself thinking that I can’t believe this is it and I am on my way to becoming an Ironman. As I rounded that last turn for the last time and sighted ahead I could see the swim out and the 2.4 mile swim was almost to an end and I was feeling good. As I started headed back to the shore you could hear the crowd yelling and scream and there was nothing you could do but get excited and feed off the energy from the crowd. Overall I was very happy with my swim and my time.
Swim: 1:22:38

 What a mass swim start looks like with 2,500 triathletes

 I'm sure I'm in there some where.

T1 (Transition 1)
Running out of the water and over that timing chip mat and hearing that beep of the timing chip going over the mat was such a good feeling knowing part 1 of 3 was officially complete. As I ran out of the water I started pulling my wetsuit off down to my waist and as I got by the wetsuit strippers I lied down on the ground and with one quick pull the wet suit was off and I was back up on my feet making my way to the helix. Running up that helix will always be unforgettable. The spectators packed the helix and only left a small area for everyone to run through, but the energy was amazing. Finally reaching the top of the helix it was into the Monona Terrance to grab the swim to bike bag and then into the changing room. Everything went smoothly until I came running outside in my cleats went to the port a potty. Forgetting that I had my cleats on I step into the port a potty and go sliding and almost fall but luckily I catch myself on both sides of the walls. With there being as many bike racks as there was I was glad mine was close to the very end where the bike out was so I didn’t have to run the whole length of the parking deck with my bike. As I reach my bike I look off to the end of my row of bikes and there was my family yelling and screaming for me. It was so good to see them since I wasn’t sure how long it would be until I saw them out on the bike course. As I run with my bike to the bike out I hop on my bike and down the helix I go. My T1 was a little longer then expected, but hey it’s my first Ironman and I’ll take it.
T1: 13:09

 The Famous Helix

T1, grabbing my bike and ready to head out on the 112 mile ride

The Bike: 2 loop course around the farmland of Wisconsin
The first few miles on the bike were slow since there were a lot of us going down the helix at the same time. Also around mile 2 of the course you go onto this small bike path and for the time you are on the bike path there is a no passing rule. As I make my way under the first bridge on the bike path everyone almost starts stopping and I knew this couldn’t be good. At this point we are all going so slow that we are almost having to unclip and as I look head there is an ambulance and as I get close there is some one on a stretcher. I knew in my head I had to stay focused and not let that get to me. I knew she was ok and at that time that is all that matters and I have to continue on my way to becoming an Ironman. As I finally got through the no passing area I knew I had to get myself to relax and get settled in for a long hilly ride. Oh and hilly it was, but I loved ever part of it. For me I love hill climbing so I knew I was just going to love this bike course. As we made our way on one of the roads early on in the course, the road was lined with American Flags. It was so awesome ride in between all these American Flags. This wasn’t the only part that I was touched by in remembering 9-11. As I rode past a fire station, they had the fire truck out with the ladder extended with a huge American Flag hanging over the road that we all got to ride underneath. Then as you past the flag lining the road were all these red plates with pictures on them. They appeared to be first responders to 9-11 that had died, but I’m not sure. As I rode past all these plates that were stuck in the ground it got emotional, but I had to shake it off fast and keep my focus on the finish line. There were so many neat touches on the bike course and I am so glad I was able to experience it and it will be something that I will never forget. For the most part the hills were nothing to bad until you start getting close to the end of the loop and you have three major hills to climb. Even though these were the 3 toughest hills, to me I thought they were also the easiest in a way as well. These people in Wisconsin really know where you are going to need the help. All three of the hills were wall to wall people. Some with funny signs, some in costumes and of course all of the yelling and cheering. They really made you forget about the pain as you climbed up there hills and because of them I was able to power through these hills. The most motivating sign out there that I will never forget said “Pain is Temporary, Ironman is Forever!” With that said I was dealing with some pain on the bike. A little over half way through on the first loop, my stomach started cramping really bad by my rib area. I knew all I could do at this point is just keep take deep breaths and try to stay relaxed and hope the cramping would go away. At times the pain did get really bad, but I just stayed focused and thought about all the cool things I got to look forward to again on the second loop. Since I was in pain and the cramping wouldn’t go away I divided the second loop into sections since I knew what it was like and took it section by section.  Man I was happy to see those 3 hills again, because then I knew I was almost done with the loop and then I would be heading back into town. Even though my stomach was cramping I still had the biggest smile on my face the whole time. I knew towards the end of the bike no matter how bad the cramping would get there would be nothing that could stop me from becoming an Ironman again. My family and friends also surprised me on the bike course. I was thought I would only see them twice out there, but to my surprise I saw them about 5 times. I really had the most amazing support crew out there and I couldn’t have done it with out them as well. Seeing familiar face when you are hurting is the best thing in the world and it helps you keep pushing. As I made my way back into town and saw the capital building in the background it was a sense of relief know the 112 mile bike ride was almost complete and it was an amazing feeling riding back up that helix know part 2 of the race is done and now all that is left is the run. As I rode up the helix once again there were was my amazing family and friends on top yelling and screaming for me.
Bike: 6:55:28

T2 (Transition 2)
As I hop off the bike and run back into Monona Terrance to get ready for the run I was so glad I made it through 112 miles without any bike issues and now it was time to focus on the run and try and figure how to get rid of this stomach cramp still so I can have a good run. As I run out of the building once again my support team is still out there cheering me and after not going to the bathroom the whole time while I was out on the bike I knew I should have a min and go to the bathroom and of course as I run into the port a potty my brother always has something to say and I hear him yell “Hurry up you’re wasting time.”  Thanks Michael! =) Finally I was off on the run and I knew I was about 5.5 hours away from becoming an Ironman.
T2: 6:28

 Heading out on the 26.2 mile run

The Run: 2 loop run around Madison
As I started going out on the run and making my way around the capital build I heard people yelling my name and as I look of to my left I saw more of my family members and in with them I saw my grandma! This was the first time my grandma has seen me do any type of racing and for me that moment was so special seeing her sitting there watching me reach one of my goals in becoming an Ironman. I can’t thank my aunt enough for bringing her out there for her to see me. As I finish making my way around the capital and on to State St. the crowds were truly unforgettable.

It is amazing to see so many people cheer all the athletes on. A few miles into the run I still had the stomach cramps and sometimes they were so bad it was almost making it hard to breath. At times like that I didn’t let it get me down, I just started walking and taking deep breaths and hope they would at some point go away, because I was so over this cramping. I was kind of bummed over all this stomach cramping because my legs were feeling so good and all I wanted to do was just take off and run, but the cramping wouldn’t let me. So when the pain really started bothering me I would walk and then I would run when it would subside a little. I must say one of the highlights of the run was running into Camp Randall Stadium and running a lap around the football field.

For the most part the run course was pretty flat with some rollers, but of course just like the bike there was the dreaded hill. Around mile 5 or 6 was the dreaded Observatory Hill and when I hit that will I wasn’t even going to try to run up it. So I took my time and walked up it. About a mile after the hill I started hearing people cheering my name again and there they were all my family and friends. I saw them 3 times in the first loop and they helped push me through. I tell you though as you hit mile 13 you feel a side of relief you are almost done and the you make that turn and see the finish line and know you have to turn around and go back out you think about how this sucks that you have 13 more miles to go and there are other people that are going straight and finishing. A second later though you just forget about it and go about your business and focus on your self and the crowds cheering you on. And away I went to finish my quest on becoming an Ironman today.

About three miles into the second loop I started walking again because of the cramping in my stomach and a volunteer came up to me and asked if I was ok. At this point I even started feeling a little light head and dizzy, but I knew I just had to keep pushing forward. After I told him I was ok he gave me some encouraging words and I can’t thank him enough for and the pushed on.  One more time I walked up Observatory Hill and then saw my family and friends two more times and the last time I saw them my husband said to me “Babe, next time I see you, you will be an Ironman.” I told him thanks, but I was cramping bad and told him I was most likely going to do a lot of walking. I said I love you and continued on. About a mile after seeing everyone for the last time I saw the 20 mile marker and I got so excited to know I only had a 10k left and I knew nothing was going to stop me now. Out of no where something happened and all my cramping went away and I felt like I just started running and I just took off. The last six miles were the best of the whole race. I never felt better and I just kept running. I ended up even catching one of my friends and we ran together for about 4 miles and when we got to a water stop I took a quick sip of water and then just took off running again. As I made my final turn onto State St. and saw the capital building I knew this was it and I was taking in every moment of the last mile. I was about to become an Ironman forever! Making my way around the capital building I started looking around me to make sure I had that finish line all to my self and no else would be in that finishing picture I wanted. As I was on the final street before I turned the corner for the finish line the crowd was yelling and scream so load I got goose bumps and started tearing up, this was it! I wiped the tears away and rounded that final corner and started high fiving people as I took that final stretch towards the finish line and as I got closer I heard Mike Reilly say those famous words I will never forget. TRACEY SUVAK YOU ARE AN IRONMAN!!!!

I had the biggest smile on my face and felt so good that even when I past the finish line my catchers had to stop me from running and said “Slow down speedy.” From that point on I was on the biggest high the rest of the night.
Run: 5:16:03

As I made my way through to the end of the finishing shoot I got my medal that I will always display proudly along with my shirt and my hat. I put my new hat on and held my medal up proudly for the finisher picture.

Then made my way out to my family and friends. They were all were so proud of me and what I just accomplished. I will never forget the smiles on their faces as well and I truly could not have done this with out them. This is a race that I will never forget. Not only did I have the best support team one could have but the spectators where out of this word and made everyone feel like they just won, because we all just did. Words also can not describe the day I just had, but I sure just did try. I hope you all enjoyed listening to my journey on becoming an Ironman, because it is a day that I will never forget and I will cherish forever. Oh and YES, I will be doing another one.


Total time: 13:53:46

I really enjoyed blogging my training and my especially my race! I hope you all enjoyed following me in my Journey on becoming an Ironman. I plan to keep a blog going of races and fun adventures I do. I hope you all will continue to follow in many of life's journeys. I AM AN IRONMAN and there will be many more Ironman races to come!

If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it.
-William Arthur Ward

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 181: One Day till Ironman Wisconsin

Day 181: Today was a nice and relaxing day as well.  I got my IT band worked on today which I was happy about so hopefully it will be ready to go tomorrow!  I went on a short and I mean short bike ride, just to make sure everything was still working on my bike.  Also my dad, brother and Misty got here today!!! Everyone is here now except for a few friends that are coming here in the morning. I can't wait to see everyone out on the course. Today I  dropped of my T1 & T2 bags along with my bike. And thanks to Misty she made sure I focused and get my bags together with everything in them. I think I am being to relaxed and keep waiting till the last min to do everything. =)  So everything is all done now though except a few things that I have to do in the morning!!! I am actually feeling really relaxed and ready to go. No major nerves yet, but I am sure they will come in the morning. Some advice I have gotten from a lot of people is just treat tomorrow long a long training day and that is exactly what I plan to do.

 T1 bag is in place

 T2 bag is in place

The bike is racked!!!

If my mind is moving, my mind will over come what is in front of me.

Tracking Information
GSP tracker:

Ironman Live:   they have a live feed of the race

Facebook: I will have a friend doing facebook updates

Monday, September 5, 2011

Week 26: Days 176-180

Day 176: Today was a chilly morning, but I still pulled on my wet suit and headed down to the lake!!! Lake Monona finally!!! Surprisingly the water was warmer then I thought. I did an easy 30 min swim and it felt good to be swimming again in a wet suit. Within the 30 mins I was swimming I actually even got a little warm. There was even a pretty good current out there today. After the swim, I took today to relax with my family and enjoy the day. Today I also finally got my bike put together. It took me a while to get it together, but I got it all put together and I hope tomorrow it rides well and I got everything tighten up all the way. Tomorrow I hope to bike the run course and show my mom and Jordan some things are Madison. I'm so glad I am up here the whole week before so I can get settled in and enjoy the week!

Day 177: Today was an exciting day! I started the day with an hour bike ride, riding around parts of the run course and then around some other parts of UW Madison and downtown Madison. It was a chilly morning, but I had enough clothes to bundle up a little. As I finished my bike ride, I rode down the road the where the finish line will be and pretended Mike Reilly was saying "Tracey Suvak younare an Ironman!" I can't wait to hear those words. I also drove the bike course today with my mom and we had a fun time driving it. I think my mom thought she was racing it in the car. :) Well I knew it was hilly, but holy hills. It is really going to be a challenging course. I think almost every time you turn a corner there is a hill and almost every down hill is on a curvy road. It should be a fun course though. I can't wait to get out there and race on it! It was also interesting for my mom as well so now she knows what the course is like as well. As for the rest of the night is time for more relaxing!

Day 178: Today I went for a nice easy 20 min run today around the lake front. The weather was cool and nice. It was pretty peaceful as well running around the lake. For the rest of the day until about 3pm I was at my aunt and uncles house visiting family and relaxing. It was really nice being away from all the Ironman stuff being set up, because every time I was a round it I felt the nerves come on. I also went swimming this evening with  a few Get Fit Atlanta people. The water was really chopping and it was not a pleasant swim. It seemed like every time I took a breath I would get a mouth full of water and the waves would just slap me in the face. It was nice to see what really choppy water feels like though just in case.  Hopefully the water won't be choppy like that on race morning. The water has been pretty calm every morning so hopefully it will be calm race morning as well.

Day 179: Today I was in the water by 6 am and it was so quite and peaceful. Nothing better then being in the water and seeing the sunrise while you swim. I even beat the ducks out this morning =) Thanks to Erin Spitler who envited me almong with SBR to swim with them this morning. It was really enjoyable.
Sunrise while I was swimming

Erin and I

After getting ready to today it was off to the IRONMAN store!!! Man is there a lot of stuff I could buy. I bought some stuff and enjoyed looking at everything. Today at 10 am was check-in, so I can official say I am all checked in and have eveything I need. Now it is time to start putting all my bags together. It all feels real now that I have everything and every time I look at my wrist I see the Ironman braclet on.  Sunday can't be here soon enough!!!

I was also able to escape from all of the triathlon stuff as well tonight. Jordan and I had tickets to the opening game for the Packers. We enjoyed a fun evening in Green Bay cheering the Packers on to their first win of the season, and what a great game it was!!! Tomorrow will start my focusing time, it's time to start getting serious and relax and get ready for the big day!

Day 180: Today I didn't do anything for training, I like to take the second day before a race to relax and do nothing and that is exactly what I did. Besides relaxing I did have dinner with a high school friend which I really enjoyed. It is always nice to see friends that you haven't seen in a while. After dinner I had the athlete brief which was informative, but nothing I didn't know already. Tomorrow I will have to get all my T1 & T2 bags together and my bike racked as well. Tomorrow everything will start coming together for Sunday!!!! It's going to be a great day.

Betsy and I

I would rather have more heart then talent any day.

Day 175

Day 175: Today I was able to get in a easy 6 mile run in before I started my day and before my mom and Jordan came in. I loved the run this morning, the weather was cool and very enjoyable. Since I was still in Milwaukee with my friend I ran around Miller Field and then found a nice trail along a river. It was so nice not having my clothes drenched wet when I was done running.  My mom and Jordan came into Milwaukee today and we enjoyed part of the day and my friend's house visiting a little more before we headed to Madison. Tonight I also checked into the Hilton! I still never had a chance to get my bike together, but hope to do that tomorrow and get everything together. I can't wait to jump in Lake Monona tomorrow!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 174

Day 174: Travel day!!!! Today I left for Milwaukee and everything even my bike made it with no problems. I even flew first class, no better way to start my trip to Wisconsin then in first class!!! Everything went smooth until it was time to get the rental car. After trying to shove the bike box and all my bags in to a Ford Escape, I realized I needed a bigger car since it was full of all my bags and no where for anyone else to sit. After getting a bigger SUV i managed to get everything in and still have room for 2 other people now which is what I need!!! I didn't get any training in, which I knew wouldn't happen. I did however get to spend the night with a very good high school friend and got to see her adorable little ones!!!! Today was a very enjoyable day of visiting and relaxing after traveling.

At Atlanta airport ready to go to Milwaukee

Monday, August 29, 2011

Week 25, Days 169-173

Day 169: Today I flew back from Louisville. It was kind of a mess getting home, but I made it. I had an amazing weekend with family and friends and I am counting down the days!!!! Today I wanted to try to get a run or swim in, but that didn't happen. With traveling and trying to get ready for work there was just no time to fit some training in. And I still have to unpack. I am hoping to get a little in tomorrow, but it isn't looking promising.

Day 170: Today I didn't get any training in, but I did get my last massage!!! The muscles feel good and are ready to go!!!! I am really happy the way my body is feeling. I got through all this training with no serious injuries and still healthy! 

Day 171: Today was my last day in Caretersville before I leave for Madison and I enjoyed every min of it. I had a nice relaxing 3 mile run. A strong 27 mile bike that I tried to keep it easy. At times I found myself pushing it and then had to remind my self to slow back and go easy. Of course we also swam out at Lake Allatoona, and I had a nice 1 mile swim. Overall it was a good training day and I am still feeling good with the lack of training I have done the past few days. Also I should mention on Wednesday's we call our self's the TriGeeks and every year they induct people into the group. Well today I got inducted into the TriGeeks!!!! It was a blast and I am proud to say I am officially part of this amazing group of people! I wouldn't have been able to do a lot of this without them. 

I also did almost all my packing today and boy was it a mess. Thanks to Misty for coming over and keeping me on track I think I have it all packed and ready to Rock and Roll!!!

The start of the packing mess, I'll spear you from the real mess!
Day 172: Today was a busy day of course not with training, but everything else. I tell ya, packing for an ironman plus trying to pack for 10 days is not easy. Today after work I had a bunch of errands I had to do and still didn't get the all done. I did however have an amazing Ironman send off party that was put together by some amazing friends. It was so nice to see people I trained with one last time before I left. It really got me excited with hearing all the encouraging words they had to say. Thanks so much everyone for tonight. I will never forget it!!!

Amazing group of Girls!!!!

Scott and I, Thanks for all the nice words of encouragement
Day 173: No training today, but I leave tomorrow!!!! Today I finished my errands and got my bike packed up!!! Now officially everything is packed and I am ready to rock!!!!

 The Bike is in the box!!!! Thanks Podium Multi Sports for the amazing help!!!

Ready to FLY!!!!
To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.
                                                    Steve Prefontaine

Day 168

Day 168: It is exactly 2 weeks from Ironman Wisconsin and today is also IRONMAN LOUISVILLE!!! Today I cheered on Misty, Scott and a few others and enjoyed every moment of it. I loved seeing everyone race and lot of people become first time Ironmans! This is really making me ready for my race, but also really nervous. My biggest fear is failing, but who's isn't. I know in my heart I can do it and finish, but it just makes you second guess yourself when you are standing at the turn around point on the run and people are making the turn around and the race officials stop them and take off their timing chip because they are not going to make the cut off. It just broke my heart, because I know how hard they trained and make it that far in the race and not finishing. It just made me think... I know I can do it!
People say there is a lot of down time for the spectators, but I'm not sure what down time they got because I was non-stop and I still didn't see Misty everywhere I wanted to. So even though I really didn't do any training I think I still go a workout in running around. Overall it was an amazing race, but I will never do it like I have said before, because of the heat. I am so proud of Misty and Scott and everyone that finished!!!!!

Day 167

Day 167: Today my brother was nice enough to wake up and go for a run with me along the river. We actually had a really good run and it was cool in the morning which was nice. After our run we enjoyed a nice breakfast and then my parents came up to see me as well. I love seeing family and being around them. Today I also helped Misty carry here things to transition and made sure she had everything she needed. I am so excited to see Misty race tomorrow and it is getting me a little more excited about my race. I think soon I will be bursting with excitement. =) After have dinner with some friends and my brother it was nice to just go back to his apartment and relax for some running around tomorrow.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Week 24: Days 162-166

Day 162: Well today I am not going to be able to get any training in. Since I have been switching my schedule around so I can get these last few Saturdays off to train and going to Ironman Louisville, I have been working Monday evenings to get the Saturdays off. And with today having a Dr. Appointment I just don't have enough time in between to get a swim in. Hopefully I will be able to try to squeeze another swim in some other time in the week. Today is also the 20 day mark till Ironman Wisconsin!!! I can't believe it is almost here, I am still feeling ready and super excited! In 20 days I will be racing to the finish line to hear those famous words from Mike Reilly!!!!

Day 163: Today was a really good speed work day out on the Silver Comet Trail. It was enough where it pushed me, but did feel spent after words. After the speed work, the running shoes went on and I did a 3 mile brick. It was so nice to run and not be dripping sweat. Today was the perfect temperature in the morning with not a lot of humidity. Can't wait till it is like this every morning. Over all I felt really good and I am loving this taper!

Day 164: I GOT MY IRONMAN WISCONSIN NUMBER TODAY!!!!! I will be sporting number 356! That just made it seem that much more real. Today I headed out to Cartersville for a little running, biking and swimming. I did a easy 3 miles run and felt really good. I told myself I was going to take it easy on the bike, but that didn't happen. Once I got going I just kept peddling and I was feeling really strong so I went with it and had an amazing ride today. Then like always it was off to Lake Allatoona for a swim. The water temperature dropped a little which was nice. Today my stroke felt like it was back were it should be and I was just cruising along. I really hope I feel like that race day, where it felt like there was no effort and at a good pace. I can't believe next Wednesday will be my last day in Cartersville before the race. I am looking forward to next Wednesday though, it's CRAZY HAT DAY!!!!! Oh and I leave for Louisville in 2 days to cheer some people on at Ironman Louisville and see my brother and my future sister-in-law!!!! Can't wait. I am hoping to get a swim and run in, but we will see what happens.

 Getting ready to go for a run

  At one of the gathering spots on the bike ride

The Famous Lake Allatoona except the water is really low right now.

Day 165: Well today I was suppose to go for a run, but with trying to pack and get everything together to leave tomorrow straight from work the run never happened. I am however very excited to head up to Louisville to cheer on some amazing people. I am even hoping to hop in the river and swim a little on Saturday and well as go on a run with my brother. Hope I can get some of this training in while having fun!!!! It will be an exciting weekend!!!!

Day 166: Ok well I think this is going to start a long stretch of no training that I am not happy about, but we will see what I can fit in. Today I left for Louisville to cheer on some amazing people at Ironman Louisville. Straight from work I headed to the airport and got into Louisville around 4:30 and enjoyed the evening with my amazing brother and his new fiance!!!

"Those who are warriors can master anything, but first they must master themselves."

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day 161

Day 161: Today I headed out to Cartersville for a 66 mile ride. It was nice going into this ride knowing I only had to do 60-70 miles. I had a really good ride and felt strong the whole time. Also talking to Mike on the bike who has done WI a few times, I am pretty sure I am ready to tackle the hills in WI. With this ride being a lot short then my recent rides there is not much to say about it. After the bike I went out for a 4 mile run. After what happened yesterday I took it real easy and did a walk/run. So over the 4 miles I felt really good, besides being extremely hot again. Overall I had a really good training day and I loved doing the short distances.  =)

"If you are always allowed to stop training whenever you feel discomfort, you will find it too easy to give yourself permission to quit." - Attributed to Jet Li

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day 160

Day 160: Well today was a fun fulled day... well sorta. I was up at Lake Allatoona and in the water by 7 am. What a beautiful way to see a sunrise to. It was so peaceful at the lake and enjoying a nice morning swim seeing the sunrise was amazing. Overall it was a pretty good swim. I felt strong for about 50% of the swim. The rest I was just getting through it. Oh and I also have to say on the first loop we stopped at the rocks for a min and yes I got bit by a fish. Dang little bugger scared the crap out of me and yes I screamed like a girl. =) After the swim I had to hurry home and shower and get ready for my wiffle ball game (yes I am on a wiffle ball team and love it!). Wasn't my best game, but I  had a good inning of pitching and we WON!!! Go OG 2-0!!!! After the game grabbed a salad then it was time to head out for my run finally. Man that was the worst run EVER.
Me + Heat = Sick. I knew I didn't do well running in heat, but today really confirmed that again. I was actually looking forward to running later to get a feeling of running later in the day to simulate the time I would be running. I was hoping to get a 10-12 miler in but that didn't happen when I started feeling sick and felt like I was going to pass out. The bright side I got 5.5 miles in. A few things I learned I will never run in the afternoon again in this heat and I will never let myself sign up for IM Louisville. LOL. Tomorrow I hope to have a better 5 mile run after my bike ride.

Oh and not sure it I mentioned it but, the shirts I ordered for all my support team came in this week!!!! They look awesome and I can't wait to look for my support team with them on at the race!!!!

The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender  - Vince Lombardi

Monday, August 15, 2011

Week 23: Days 155 - 159

Day 155: Today starts my taper time!!!! I never thought this day would come and my race is getting closer and closer. I can't wait!!!! Even though I didn't run on Saturday I was still sore from yes Wiffle Ball and the ride on Sunday so I decided to use today as a recovery week. I really should have swam, but this weekend I will be doing a 2.4 mile open water swim o Saturday so I should be ok.

Day 156: Let's see what can I say about today... Let's just say today never existed. I am looking forward to Cartersville though!!!!

Day 157: I can really start to feel the affects of training now and how tired mentally and physically I am feeling. I am so glad it is taper time! Today started out not so good with hitting my alarm clock for 45 mins and not realizing it. So I missed the run this morning, ugh. Then as I was on the way, I got on the wrong interstate so then I had to back track. I did get there in time for the bike thank God. I actually had a good bike as well. I was still feeling sluggish, but I was still moving. After the bike the swim was another story. During the swim I felt very tired and just couldn't get my stroke down. Finally when I got back to land I was happy. My stroke was just sloppy because I was tired, but I would know that I was just making it hard because it was sloppy. Oh well you can't have a good training day every time.  So some funny advice I got on the bike today was "It's not racing unless your puking or getting IVs at the finish" =) Thanks Kona Karl

Tomorrow I am going to take as an off day instead of Friday, because my wonderful husband got us tickets to the Braves game!

Day 158: I really enjoyed another day off a little to much. =) After a crazy day at work it  was nice to come home and head out to the Braves game with the Husband. I think the thing I am looking forward to the most about being done is getting to spend time with Jordan again. He has been so understanding and supportive through this whole process it has been awesome!!! Thanks Babe and had a blast at the Braves game. Oh and it was an exciting game they won 1-0! Go Brewers, oh I mean Go Braves =)

Day 159: Ok so I am going to the extreme end of tapering, lol. So I had every intention of going for a long run today, but with the heat and getting wrapped up with doing things the run never happened. I guess I'll try to get out in the heat tomorrow evening and run.

I hated every minute of training, but I said, don't quit.  Suffer now and live the rest of your life a champion." 
 Muhammad Ali, Boxer

Day 154

Day 154: Wow am I glad this day is over. I'm not even sure where to begin, with the way my morning started I was ready to can the ride and just go home. Boy am I glad I didn't it ended up begin a good ride overall. Let's see my morning started at 4 am when I got up to get ready to head up to the GAPS for my last 100 miler!!! We were starting at a spot that I normally don't start at and that is where it all began. I was up in the GAPS at 6:30 and then driving around for 30 minutes realizing my GPS brought me to the wrong area of the GAPS and of course no cell phone reception because I'm in the mountains I knew I was screwed. Finally driving around and finding a spot with cell phone service I was finally able to get a hold of someone to get me in the right place and by now we were suppose to be wheels down at 7. Well because of me we were rolling around 7:45. Around mile 10 we made our first stop to make sure all 9 of us were still together. After about 20 mins of waiting and one of the girls hasn't shown up yet another guy and I start the venture back towards the cars to find her. Finally a little over 3 miles on our way back we find her still riding but freaking out because of the down hills.After getting her to the 10 mile mark we make some decisions and the 6 of us doing IM Wisconsin continue on our way now finally, while the other 3 stayed in that one area to ride a little. With all the time set backs we are finally on our way to get this 50 mile loop done twice. Oh and let me remind you what the GAPS are, lets just say we are up in the GA mountains riding our bikes and as I go on I will try to describe some of the hills. The first 10 miles were not to bad at all it was actually nice rolling hills with a big down hill which was nice to get the legs warmed up for what they were about to do. As we make our first turn on to Skeehan Gap Rd this is the first set of fun hills. For the most part it was good rollers which I was told is very comparable to WI, but then somewhere between mile 15-20 was our first really climb. Sometimes the shorter the hill the hard because of how steep the hills can get. As we started climb this short little fun hill you get those legs burning and all you wanna do is stop because you are down to about 5mph. Almost to the top of the hill is this nice little church and you think maybe I'll pull of in the church for a sec. to rest. As you pass the church, they have this verse on their board out side that I truly live by. It reads..."I can do all through he who gives me strength" Philippians  4:13 and I knew I could keep powering up this beastly little hill. If it was tough to get up the first time, I know it will be a struggle to get up the second time through. Finally getting to the end of the road that still had nice rollers the rest of the way we let everyone catch up and then away when went to Hicks Gap Rd. Let's just say every turn we made the hills seemed to just get worse and worse. The only plus side I guess is that when you finally get to the top you get a nice descent going down. Finally at the last stop on the first loop we knew we had one more hill to climb. They always say they save the best for last and that we did, it was the dreaded climb of Wolf Pen. Getting up is always doable but it also pushes you and having done it a few times before I knew what I was in for, but it is the second time around that was going to be the kicker. After making it up Wolf Pen it was smooth sailing back to the car with some big rollers. Back at the cars it was time to refuel and get ready for round 2 which I was not looking forward to. One loop was hard enough and now I knew what was to come and I was not looking forward to it.
Loop two all I can really say is that it was just as hard and even harder then loop one. I was very proud of myself the way I powered through loop two. It was tough, but I was truly tougher!!!! To make this loop story short at the first stop as we were getting ready to get going again guess who drops their chain and falls... ME. Luckily it wasn't a bad fall it was more like I tipped over since we just started going and I dropped my chain and unclipped the wrong foot and down I go. Hey it happens right. I barely got a scratch but my poor bike got a few. =( Other then that the hills were the same but a little harder the second time ok a lot harder the second time. There were some hills I wasn't sure how I was going to get up, but I just pushed and made it up. Of course though around mile 40 was the dreaded Wolf Pen round 2. I was really not looking forward to climbing it again. At the last stop I decided I would turn on Pandora on my iPhone and use some tunes to help get me up. So Pandora and my singing got me up Wolf Pen with no problems and I actually think as crazy as it sounds I made it up easier the second time around.

Taking a break after the second climb up Wolf Pen

After it was a said and done 106 miler in the GAPS was a success!!!! I was very happy with my ride and after doing this ride and I better be ready for Wisconsin after it. Over all the day was very long with leaving the house before 5 am and getting home after 8 pm, but what a FUN DAY of hill climbs!!!

Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride.
~John F. Kennedy, U.S. president

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 153

Day 153: I am really disappointed in myself today. The midnight shift was a real struggle for me last night. Not only was it a struggle trying to stay up, but I also managed getting a head ache half way through it as well and towards the end of the shift I just wasn't feeling well. So I canned the run in the morning hoping to go for a run after a wiffle ball game I had later that day. The heat though is still ridiculous so I skipped the run all together. I hope tomorrow I was have a good ride out in the gaps and get some good hill climbing in. So I am just going to try to make up for it tomorrow with a strong ride and then a good run after.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Week 22: Days 148 - 152

Days 148: Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming, that is what Dora was telling me today. 5 am came early and all I wanted to do was sleep. After a long weekend of training and early mornings the last thing I wanted to do was wake up early and go swimming. The dedication though got me out of bed and to the pool. Today was a pretty good swim since there was no speed work involved today. I think today catch-up drills and I became best friends today. Since Coach Larry still wasn't real happy with my stroke we made me do nothing but catch-up all 1.5 hours today. If I didn't get it down pat today I don't know if I'll ever get it lol. I definitely felt all the other muscles I am suppose to be using today. Let's just hope I can keep it up and only get stronger and faster from it. I was glad though after that 1.5 hours was done, because catch-up drills and count strokes can make for a long training period.

Day 149: Speed work today on the Comet Trail. With how crappy I slept last night I would have thought I would have heard it storm, but I guess not. Starting out on the trail it was a little trashed with debris from what seemed like a storm. It made speed work hard with trying to dodge branches, and what not so I decided to just do a normally ride since I didn't want to risk getting hurt or a flat. The further out on the trail we got the worse it got. As we approached mile 5 a guy in front of us slammed on his breaks and went flying off his bike when he noticed a big tree down across the trail. I guess I really did storm last night. the tree didn't stop us from riding though we carried our bikes around it and went on our way. Overall the speed work just turned into a 22 mile ride with a 3.5 mile brick after. So I guess my legs will be ready to rock tomorrow up in Cartersville.

The picture of the tree down is blurry but you get the idea.

Day 150: I had the best training day ever in Cartersville to date!!!!! Even though I couldn't get out of bed for the run, I still made it up there in time for the bike and swim. Today's bike was such a good ride. The humidity was not as bad as it has been so I think everyone was just ready to go. There was a group of about 6 of us that stayed together today and drafted and just cruised the whole 27 miles. Today I avg. my fastest yet 19.1!!!! My awesome training day didn't stop after the bike either. Once again I had a really good swim feeling really strong. I am loving the way my stroke feels and instead of everyone waiting forever for me, today I was able to keep up with most of them!!! Really happy how today went and I am ready to finish my training up strong and ROCK WISCONSIN!!!!

a sign we found on the ride

Day151: Well today was suppose to be speed work, but with everything that happened at work I just felt a drink calling my name instead of speed work. And yes I caved. I am not happy that I didn't do that speed work and I am sure running would have been a better stress reliever, but at the time it didn't seems like it. Oh well can't change it now. Maybe instead of going straight to sleep tomorrow after work I will try to go get my run in. I guess I will see how I feel tomorrow after work. 

Day 152: Sleep won today, or I should say trying to sleep won today. I really didn't get a good nap in so tonight's midnight shift is going to be a struggle. UGH. Oh I did for get to mention though that yesterday I did get a lot of things done for my race as well. I got my appointment scheduled for my tune up, appointment schedules for Podium to help me pack my bike up and get the last min things that I will need and the best part.... I ordered all the shirts for my supporters to wear!!!! It is really starting to come fast now and I can't wait. 

"You can keep going and your legs might hurt for a week or you can quit and your mind will hurt for a lifetime."
Mark Allen - Ironman

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 147

Day 147: Today I had a really good ride out of Alpheretta. The only bad thing is that I forgot to put sunscreen on. 106 miles in sun with no sunscreen is never good and I might as well be called lobster. =) I thought the ride was going to be a ruff one when my legs were feeling tried and like they had no strength right away. Around mile 15 I really started to feel good and my legs were ready to rock. Normally we would climb Burnt Mountain, but today we decided to for go it and spend some time on Steve Tatte Rd. The hills on Steve Tatte are relentless but good climbing hills for racing. After doing 32 miles on Steve Tatte we headed back to Alpheretta. I was feeling good all the way back, but the heat was out in full force and I was starting to feel the burn on my shoulders and arms. After getting back to the cars I filled up with water and headed out again for a few more extra miles. I still was feeling good until the last 5 miles. I'm not sure if it was the heat or what but it started to become hard for me to breath a little, it was mainly hard to take deep breaths. After getting back to the car I was feeling spent and was ready to just head home. I was suppose to run, but with the sun beating down and being burnt already, my poor arm and shoulders were hurting. So home it was and no running. Overall I was pleased with my ride today, just not sure why I was having a hard time taking deep breaths. I wish I would have run, but I was spent and the heat was getting to me. It was a successful day though!!!

Chasing records doesn't keep me on my bike. Happiness does. ~ Lance Armstrong

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 146

Day 146: Well today I tried something new. Instead of going out for a run after the mid shift, I headed up to Red Top Mountain for an open water swim first. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be since I was going on no sleep. I did a 2.4 mile swim and I felt very strong in the whole time. After today's swim I know for sure I have gotten faster in my swim. When I was at the half way point I was at 39 mins!!! My fast half swim even in a race was around 45 mins. With that said I did today's swim in 1:19. I guess the training is paying off. What was even better is that I felt like I could keep going when I got to the 2.4 mile mark. Maybe by the time the race comes I be able to pull out a 1:15 swim! In the mean time I am just going to keep swimming and keep pushing myself. After the swim I came home for a fast shower to get all the nasty lake water off and then I was off for an 8 mile run. I started off feeling good and strong, but around mile 5 I started having stomach issues and then it went all down hill from there. I did get the run in though and I pushed through it all. I hate when things like that happen, but I know it is only going to make be stronger mentally and able to push through things when I am struggling. Overall even though it wasn't the best run I am very happy with my training day today and I am feeling more and more ready and confident for my race!!!! I can't believe it's 5 weeks away and only 4 weeks till I head up there!!!! I'm ready to rock it!

"In training everyone focuses on 90% physical and 10% mental, but in the races its 90% mental because there's very little that separates us physically at the elite level".
Elka Graham

Monday, August 1, 2011

Week 21: Days 141-145

Day 141: Today I tried something different. Usually I head to the Concourse at night for masters to get my swim in. After masters I usually feel rushed to try to get home to see Jordan. The master's coach also does a class at Emory at 5:45 am which is a lot closer to my house as well. So today I thought I would wake up at the crack of dawn and go swimming. I'm not sure if I had a bad swim because it was early and I was tired or if my body was physically tired from this weekend. To start though I was feeling my quads while I swam, so I was trying not to do a lot of kicking. Also my shoulders never loosened up either and I was just trying to survive today's workout. I got some yardage in, but I don't think it was the most affective workout. My stroke was ugly the whole time and I just couldn't pull it together. I loved being down at 7:15 am though, because now I have all day to hang out with Jordan. I think I am going to try it again next week and see what happens. Let's hope my open water swim goes good this week.

Day 142: Today I went to see my favorite massage therapist Kelly!!!! Lets just say she had a field day on my legs and spent the whole hour working on them. It is so weird how something can hurt so bad, but feel so good. After she did her thing she said that I can do a very easy run if I want to but nothing more then that. So with that advice I am actually going to listen. So instead I just took the day to recover which I know I need and then I can go out to Caretersville tomorrow ready to go.   Thanks Kelly!!!!

Day 143: Today I started with a nice easy 2 mile run. I still was feeling a little pain in my left leg, but it is nothing like it was and I felt almost 100% better. When I was getting ready to go out on the run though I realized I forgot my Garmin, so now I felt lost. It is amazing how much you depend on that when you use it for swimming, biking and running. It was kind of nice not to have it as well thought I really focus on how my body was feeling. After running I had a good bike ride and keeping my average around 18 is starting to feel a little easier every time. I love that I am starting to feel stronger and just not people telling me I look stronger. It just does something for my confidence feeling it myself and not just hearing it. Then once again off to Red Top for a swim. I had a nice swim and felt strong. I just wish I didn't get so bored swimming. I really need to figure out how to keep my head in the game when in comes time for Ironman Wisconsin. I hope with it being a race I won't be so bored and there will be so many people that it will keep me busy and I won't get bored. I am really happy with my training day today. Tomorrow is another track workout. Lets hope I don't get dehydrated again and hurt myself since I am starting to finally feel good.  

Day 144: Today was track workout! Compared to last weeks workout it was a lot better. I was feeling a little pain in my legs still from last week, but it wasn't anything I couldn't deal with. It was a short track workout, but still kicked my butt. Like always I am feeling tired since it is the end of the week and I am ready to rest now and get ready for a long tough weekend. Thanks Jim for a great track workout!

Day 145: Day of rest today!!! I wish I could like these days a little more. It's hard to really enjoy the day of rest when I get home from work I have to go straight to sleep just so I can go back to work that night. Oh well at least I'm resting. Good Night, nappy time =)

“Obsessive is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated.”

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 140

Day 140: I knew today was going to be interesting with my quads since 1) my legs are tired from yesterday and 2) I wasn't sure how my quads would hold up on a 16 mile run. When I first started out my quads were not to bad. I was feeling them a little but mostly just a tight feeling, with that I knew it was going to be a long 16 mile run. Around mile 4 I stopped just for a little just to stretch especially my quads since I was worried about them. I was still feeling pretty good though and I continued on my way. Mile 8 is were I really started to struggle a little. My quads were still tight and hurting a little, but also my knees started hurting. This two loop route I was doing is not good either with my quads and knees starting to hurt. You would have thought I had enough hills yesterday, but I guess not because I choose to do a very hilly running route today. Thank God a little after mile 8 I got a short break since my friend that I was running with had her car parked there so we can fill up our bottles or just need something overall. After filling up and ready to set out on the second loop I knew it was going to be ruff, and boy was it ever. I thought it was going to be ok at first but then around mile 11 my knees were shot and my quads just didn't wanna let me  run. After a long hard struggle I did finish a lot slower then I would have liked to, but I got my run in. Now I just need to make it to Tuesday when I see Kelly my massage lady so she can yell at me for everything I did this weekend and then she can beat up my legs and try to figure out what happen to them last Thursday. I am really starting to think it was dehydration, but we'll see. Now I finally get to rest for the last few hours of my weekend!

"Having a true faith is the most difficult thing in the world. Many will try to take it from you."

Day 139

Day 139: Today was Blazing Saddles Century and there is one reason the call it Blazing Saddles, and I'll let you figure that out. =) Ok I guess I'll tell you, it was HOT and that 100 miles really tested me today. Even though I was told to take the weekend off because of my quads, i knew I couldn't afford to do that so that left me do do one thing. Do the 100 miles.  =)  I really wasn't sure how my quads would feel on the bike, but just walking around they felt tight and I could feel a soreness in them. In my mind I was doing the 100 miles, but if my quads were in pain I would cut it off early. Starting out my quads were feeling good and the only time I felt them was if I was standing to climb a hill so I was happy and feeling good that I will get the 100 miles in. On and one more thing, not only was this Century HOT but it was also HILLY. The first half of the ride was actually very good and it was a comfortable temperature. I was on cruise control at a nice pace. I was trying to pace myself today and I was doing a good job at it and I was just completely focused on that task. Around mile 40 I swear every minute it just got hotter and hotter and the breeze one the bike was hot as well. So not only was it getting hotter by the minute, but it was also getting hillier and hillier. I was feeling strong on the hills and even though it was hot I was enjoying the ride and I was happy about the way I was riding. Then mile 62 hit and while I was at the SAG stop something happened that I don't care to talk about and when it was time to get on the bike my head was just not in the game anymore. The last 38 miles from here on out just kept going down hill. I kept trying to get my head back in it, because the ride was not getting easier. The hills were not ending and the temperature kept rising. With my head not in the ride anymore around mile 80 was the lowest of all lows. I was starting to doubt myself and all the training I was doing and I just wanted to stop and not do this anymore. Mentally I have been so good through my training and today I just lost my mental toughness. After about 5 miles I was able to regain my composure and focus a little, but it still was not there and I was so over this ride and just ready to be home. I managed to push through and finish but the last 5 miles I was at snail pace and I was doing anything to just get back. I learned a lot on this ride and I am glad I did push through and didn't give up, when that is all I wanted to do. Since the ride turned to crap and it was crazy hot I just wanted to be on my way home, but I did force myself to at least do 1 mile. Boy am I glad I just did a mile my quads were not happy with me trying to run. I did run that mile with a few people which help take the pain off my mind a little especially when we ran through part of a cemetery and the dead jokes started coming out. HAHA The most important thing is that I got my bike in and I didn't give up, but boy was I glad to get home even though I had to dry my bike off since I got caught in a rain storm driving home.

Life is like riding a bicycle - in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving.  ~Albert Einstein

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Week 20, Days 134-138

Day 134: Today was suppose to be swimming at the Concourse, but when the weather started trying crappy and we started to get a bad thunderstorm, I just thought that swimming wasn't the best idea. Here is GA it reminds me of FL the later on in the day the better chance for thunderstorms. I know the coach that I swim at masters with does Monday mornings at Emory so I am really considering going there so the storms won't keep me away from swimming. So instead I enjoyed a nice dinner with my husband!

Day 135: Speed work today on the Comet trail was lonely since it was only me today. I am not sure if I can really even call it speed work either. From the storms last night the trail was pretty trashed. For those of you that don't know the Silver Comet Trail it is a nice trail shaded by tons and tons of trees. So that means when it storms or rains the trail gets trashed. After riding 7 miles out on the trail and dodging branches and sticks, I finally had enough and turned around and headed back. After the ride I did put on my new ugly (and I mean ugly) shoes and did a fast 2 mile brick. I am loving the way the shoes feel but boy I hate the way they look. With that said I did get a little training in, but I can't be having days like this this late in the game.

Day 136: Today I had an amazing ride up in Cartersville!!! Feeling really strong and I averaged 18.6!!! I wonder if I can keep that up for 112 miles. LOL I was feeling very strong through out the whole ride and there were parts of the ride I was even getting up to speed I have never done before. After the ride it was over to Red Top to go swim. I didn't get to swim as far as I wanted to, because it was my turn to provided the food so I had to get finish and set it up. Even though it was a short swim I was still feeling strong after that bike ride which is good. If I am feeling strong in a swim after a bike ride I should really feel good if it is the first thing I have to do at Ironman!

Day 137: Speed work on the track today with Jim!! I was looking forward to it all day and I am so glad I am able to join them now since they moved it to Thursday. It is always easier to train when you have people to endure the pain with you. =) And boy did I endure some pain today, but not in a good way. After a mile warm up we starting to get ready to do some speed work and as I took off for our first set of sprints I just felt sharp pain down both of my quadriceps. The pain was so bad that it started to make me dizzy and light headed. I felt like I was going to pass out. All I could is sit. After a while about 5 minutes of sitting I got up and tried to jog, but I still couldn't. Even the pressure of just standing or sitting with my knees bent I was in so much pain. So I sat down again with my legs straight out and just tried to rub it out. Even to the touch I just wanted to cry and i had no idea what happened. Finally later on tonight the pain started to subside and I can walk normal for the most part, but still in a little pain. Not sure if my muscles just spazed out or maybe dehydrated. I just hope that I am ready for my ride on Saturday. It is still pain full to the touch and like I said still hurts a little to walk but hopefully with some rest tonight it feel better. Also on that note I was hoping to go for an open water swim but not sure if that will be happening. I just hope this doesn't effect my training for this weekend. This is the first injury so far in my training and I just don't want it to effect my training. I am feeling strong and ready and this is the last thing I need.

Day 138: Today I woke up with my right leg still hurting. Limping a little today I think it is loosing a little. Over all my quads are still tight feeling and I am trying to massage them out. I really wanted to go swimming today since I am not working the mid shift today, but I figured rest was more important. I am still going to try to go out on my 115 mile ride tomorrow and run on Sunday but if I am in a lot of pain I will hang the training up for the weekend. I did manage to schedule an appointment with Kelly my massage lady for Tuesday. So if anything I hope Tuesday I will figure something out. I know she won't be happy about me training on it, but I just feel that I have to try. I am going to try being smart though ;) So until tomorrow I'm going to continue to rest my quads. 

"In sport, pain and suffering are choices, and anyone who complains about their choices need to change their choices. Yes, training hurts, but it beats not training."
                - Leadman Triathlon champ Angela Naeth