Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 140

Day 140: I knew today was going to be interesting with my quads since 1) my legs are tired from yesterday and 2) I wasn't sure how my quads would hold up on a 16 mile run. When I first started out my quads were not to bad. I was feeling them a little but mostly just a tight feeling, with that I knew it was going to be a long 16 mile run. Around mile 4 I stopped just for a little just to stretch especially my quads since I was worried about them. I was still feeling pretty good though and I continued on my way. Mile 8 is were I really started to struggle a little. My quads were still tight and hurting a little, but also my knees started hurting. This two loop route I was doing is not good either with my quads and knees starting to hurt. You would have thought I had enough hills yesterday, but I guess not because I choose to do a very hilly running route today. Thank God a little after mile 8 I got a short break since my friend that I was running with had her car parked there so we can fill up our bottles or just need something overall. After filling up and ready to set out on the second loop I knew it was going to be ruff, and boy was it ever. I thought it was going to be ok at first but then around mile 11 my knees were shot and my quads just didn't wanna let me  run. After a long hard struggle I did finish a lot slower then I would have liked to, but I got my run in. Now I just need to make it to Tuesday when I see Kelly my massage lady so she can yell at me for everything I did this weekend and then she can beat up my legs and try to figure out what happen to them last Thursday. I am really starting to think it was dehydration, but we'll see. Now I finally get to rest for the last few hours of my weekend!

"Having a true faith is the most difficult thing in the world. Many will try to take it from you."

Day 139

Day 139: Today was Blazing Saddles Century and there is one reason the call it Blazing Saddles, and I'll let you figure that out. =) Ok I guess I'll tell you, it was HOT and that 100 miles really tested me today. Even though I was told to take the weekend off because of my quads, i knew I couldn't afford to do that so that left me do do one thing. Do the 100 miles.  =)  I really wasn't sure how my quads would feel on the bike, but just walking around they felt tight and I could feel a soreness in them. In my mind I was doing the 100 miles, but if my quads were in pain I would cut it off early. Starting out my quads were feeling good and the only time I felt them was if I was standing to climb a hill so I was happy and feeling good that I will get the 100 miles in. On and one more thing, not only was this Century HOT but it was also HILLY. The first half of the ride was actually very good and it was a comfortable temperature. I was on cruise control at a nice pace. I was trying to pace myself today and I was doing a good job at it and I was just completely focused on that task. Around mile 40 I swear every minute it just got hotter and hotter and the breeze one the bike was hot as well. So not only was it getting hotter by the minute, but it was also getting hillier and hillier. I was feeling strong on the hills and even though it was hot I was enjoying the ride and I was happy about the way I was riding. Then mile 62 hit and while I was at the SAG stop something happened that I don't care to talk about and when it was time to get on the bike my head was just not in the game anymore. The last 38 miles from here on out just kept going down hill. I kept trying to get my head back in it, because the ride was not getting easier. The hills were not ending and the temperature kept rising. With my head not in the ride anymore around mile 80 was the lowest of all lows. I was starting to doubt myself and all the training I was doing and I just wanted to stop and not do this anymore. Mentally I have been so good through my training and today I just lost my mental toughness. After about 5 miles I was able to regain my composure and focus a little, but it still was not there and I was so over this ride and just ready to be home. I managed to push through and finish but the last 5 miles I was at snail pace and I was doing anything to just get back. I learned a lot on this ride and I am glad I did push through and didn't give up, when that is all I wanted to do. Since the ride turned to crap and it was crazy hot I just wanted to be on my way home, but I did force myself to at least do 1 mile. Boy am I glad I just did a mile my quads were not happy with me trying to run. I did run that mile with a few people which help take the pain off my mind a little especially when we ran through part of a cemetery and the dead jokes started coming out. HAHA The most important thing is that I got my bike in and I didn't give up, but boy was I glad to get home even though I had to dry my bike off since I got caught in a rain storm driving home.

Life is like riding a bicycle - in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving.  ~Albert Einstein

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Week 20, Days 134-138

Day 134: Today was suppose to be swimming at the Concourse, but when the weather started trying crappy and we started to get a bad thunderstorm, I just thought that swimming wasn't the best idea. Here is GA it reminds me of FL the later on in the day the better chance for thunderstorms. I know the coach that I swim at masters with does Monday mornings at Emory so I am really considering going there so the storms won't keep me away from swimming. So instead I enjoyed a nice dinner with my husband!

Day 135: Speed work today on the Comet trail was lonely since it was only me today. I am not sure if I can really even call it speed work either. From the storms last night the trail was pretty trashed. For those of you that don't know the Silver Comet Trail it is a nice trail shaded by tons and tons of trees. So that means when it storms or rains the trail gets trashed. After riding 7 miles out on the trail and dodging branches and sticks, I finally had enough and turned around and headed back. After the ride I did put on my new ugly (and I mean ugly) shoes and did a fast 2 mile brick. I am loving the way the shoes feel but boy I hate the way they look. With that said I did get a little training in, but I can't be having days like this this late in the game.

Day 136: Today I had an amazing ride up in Cartersville!!! Feeling really strong and I averaged 18.6!!! I wonder if I can keep that up for 112 miles. LOL I was feeling very strong through out the whole ride and there were parts of the ride I was even getting up to speed I have never done before. After the ride it was over to Red Top to go swim. I didn't get to swim as far as I wanted to, because it was my turn to provided the food so I had to get finish and set it up. Even though it was a short swim I was still feeling strong after that bike ride which is good. If I am feeling strong in a swim after a bike ride I should really feel good if it is the first thing I have to do at Ironman!

Day 137: Speed work on the track today with Jim!! I was looking forward to it all day and I am so glad I am able to join them now since they moved it to Thursday. It is always easier to train when you have people to endure the pain with you. =) And boy did I endure some pain today, but not in a good way. After a mile warm up we starting to get ready to do some speed work and as I took off for our first set of sprints I just felt sharp pain down both of my quadriceps. The pain was so bad that it started to make me dizzy and light headed. I felt like I was going to pass out. All I could is sit. After a while about 5 minutes of sitting I got up and tried to jog, but I still couldn't. Even the pressure of just standing or sitting with my knees bent I was in so much pain. So I sat down again with my legs straight out and just tried to rub it out. Even to the touch I just wanted to cry and i had no idea what happened. Finally later on tonight the pain started to subside and I can walk normal for the most part, but still in a little pain. Not sure if my muscles just spazed out or maybe dehydrated. I just hope that I am ready for my ride on Saturday. It is still pain full to the touch and like I said still hurts a little to walk but hopefully with some rest tonight it feel better. Also on that note I was hoping to go for an open water swim but not sure if that will be happening. I just hope this doesn't effect my training for this weekend. This is the first injury so far in my training and I just don't want it to effect my training. I am feeling strong and ready and this is the last thing I need.

Day 138: Today I woke up with my right leg still hurting. Limping a little today I think it is loosing a little. Over all my quads are still tight feeling and I am trying to massage them out. I really wanted to go swimming today since I am not working the mid shift today, but I figured rest was more important. I am still going to try to go out on my 115 mile ride tomorrow and run on Sunday but if I am in a lot of pain I will hang the training up for the weekend. I did manage to schedule an appointment with Kelly my massage lady for Tuesday. So if anything I hope Tuesday I will figure something out. I know she won't be happy about me training on it, but I just feel that I have to try. I am going to try being smart though ;) So until tomorrow I'm going to continue to rest my quads. 

"In sport, pain and suffering are choices, and anyone who complains about their choices need to change their choices. Yes, training hurts, but it beats not training."
                - Leadman Triathlon champ Angela Naeth

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 133

Day 133: 5 am came early to get ready for a new adventure on a new ride I have never done. Today a few of us rode out of Alpharetta for a 90 mile loop and I had no idea what I was in for. Since we didn't know the route we did have to follow directions we had written out for us, which add a little difficulty but it was manageable. I knew there were some hills and I was happy about that, because right now I need a lot of hill training. About the first 25 miles or so I was pretty happy nice rolling hills and I was able to power right over them! Then we made a turn on Cove Rd that I will never forget. These were not rolling hills, these were nice long climbing hills and I was happy that I just got to the top. I a really starting to see improvement in my hill climbing and every day I am feeling more and more ready for Wisconsin. After reaching the top of all the hills we also had a nice descent down the other side. There was even one hill that as I was going down I was praying that we were not having to reverse course at all because there is no way I would have made it up the hill. The grade and length and switch backs I think I would have said for get it and walk up it even though it would have taken for ever. After finally reaching the end of Cove Rd. it was time to figure out the rest of our route. Once we figured out were we were going it was onward to make the climb up Burnt Mountain. Just as I was happy to get off Cove Rd, it now seemed like Cove Rd was cake when we found out what was in store for us going up Burnt Mountain. Lets just say it is was worse the the first three gaps. At least at the gaps you get a break on top. This was continuous climb for some miles and a lots steeper then the gaps and it just seemed to never end. Just when you thought you were at the top, NOPE it just kept going. The only good thing is that the view at the top was AMAZING!!!! Climbing hills like that makes it so much better when you can enjoy a view to see what you just did. Just like every hill though, what goes up must come down! And boy did I enjoy that ride on the way down. Of course though on the way back we were not out of the water yet with hills. There were still more hills in our future! The best way to describe this course is HILLS, HILLS and more HILLS. Oh wait did I say HILLS? =) The ride over all was an amazing training ride and I am really hoping to ride it again before Wisconsin. It was a very pretty ride and very peaceful. The morning weather was prefect, overcast and a nice temperature. The only time it got bad was in the last 25 miles. The clouds went away and that sun was beating down. For the most part though we lucked out with good weather.

 View from the top of Burnt Mountain!! So Pretty!!!

This week was a really good training week and I am hoping this continues for the rest of my training. I am feeling really strong and ready and I hope I only get stronger these last few hard training weeks.

The bicycle is a curious vehicle.  Its passenger is its engine.  ~John Howard

Day 132

Day 132: After being up all night working, it wasn't time to go to bed yet. It was time to put those running shoes on to get a 10 mile run in. I was suppose to run longer, but Jordan decided he wanted to come run with me and since he hasn't really ran since March we decided to do 10 miles. We had a really good run together and I felt really good. I am really starting to feel stronger and I am really happy with that. I am still sore from speed work on Thursday so I was surprised I felt that strong running. Of course though that humidity is always a killer. I love the heat but the humidity really has to go. Being able to ring your clothes out after running is never good. Now lets hope tomorrow I have a good ride.
After the run, I was finally able to go home and get a 2 hour nap in which I truly enjoyed and then we headed to the lake for some fun with some friends. It was truly a relaxing day after I finished my training.

“Success isn't how far you got, but the distance you traveled from where you started.”

Friday, July 22, 2011

Week 19, Day127 - Day 131

Day 127: Swimming at the Concourse today! As much as I hate swimming in the pool, I think swimming in an outside pool makes it a little better. Today was nothing but speed work, which I need and kicked my butt. Watching the clock today I could really tell that my speed is improving a little but I would still like to get a little bit faster before Wisconsin. I am also starting to feel a difference in my stroke from when I am swimming with good form vs when I am just being lazy and just swimming. It doesn't matter hard fast you try to swim, if you are not swimming with a good stroke you are not going to get any faster. Anytime I tried to swim really fast and my stroke got sloppy I had the slowest time in my splits. I really feel that I learned a lot today in the masters class and I just hope I keep improving. Still a ways to go though.

Day 128: Well speed work in the pool last night, so I followed it up with speed work on the bike today. I had a really good workout on the bike and I know I am going to feel it tomorrow when I ride up at Cartersville. Today we did a roller coaster speed workout and I really enjoyed it. And thanks to Risa, we were able to really push are selves a little hard. I love her drive and motivation! After the speed work I went out on a 4 mile run, I felt really good on the run and was just cruising. My legs and my energy felt really good and I definately could have ran longer if I need to. Even though I was dead tired and I just wanted to take an hour nap before I got ready for work, I still managed to drag my butt to the gym and get a good upper body workout in as well. I have been slacking on the weights a little, so I thought it was time to get back in the gym for a few more weeks. Today I was extremely happy with all my workouts and how I felt during them. They only thing that sucked was that it was so hard to stay awake at work and I was counting down the time till I was able to crawl in bed.

Day 129:  My alarm went off and I was hoping for was ran so I could just stay in bed and sleep. I woke up still really tired and wanted nothing to do with training today which is really surprising since it is my favorite day of training usually. After I finally managed to get myself out of bed I was already to late to get up to Cartersville in time to run, so I didn't get a run it. I tell you what though, I had an awesome ride today on the bike. At first I thought it was going to be a struggle. Finally around mile 6 or 7 I just took off and I felt amazing!!! I can tell finally I really am getting stronger on the hills! Towards the end of the ride there is a gradual hill and there were 4 of us together and today I pulled us up the hill at a decent speed. I was really happy. After a good bike ride it was of to swim. Just like the bike I thought I was in trouble I was feel tired and felt like I just wasn't moving,. After about 10 mins I was feeling warmed up again and the cruise control came on and I was able to hang a little longer with the stronger swimmers!!!! I really see myself improving from the start of my training and I just hope this keeps up and that I am ready to rock Wisconsin!

Adrian and I talking about Ironman Wisconsin

The girls are ready to hit the water with Adrian

Day 130: I thought I would just keep this week going with speed work. I did speed work in the pool, on the bike so now it is time to do it running! After today's day at work I could not wait to hit the track. As I was driving to the track to meet some people for speed work, I was wondering if we were even going to get it in with a big thunderstorm brewing. Finally getting to the track and a one lap into warming up the lighting bolts started hitting the ground so close to us it was time to take cover for a little. After waiting out the storm for about 20 minutes, the rain continued but the lighting stopped so it was time to hit the track again. It was actually nice running in the rain, it kept me cool and then half way through the workout when the rain finally stopped the humidity was going strong again. Thanks to Jim for leading a great track workout and really pushed me which is what I needed. I know I am going to be feeling it tomorrow and I am so looking forward to tomorrow so I can just relax and get ready for the long weekend of training.

Day 131: Besides work, today is my day of relaxation from training and since I am working a double shift and have to be back to work at 10pm after just leaving work at 1:30, I am going to take a nap. Good night and it's time to get ready for the weekend!

"Fear is probably the thing that limits performance more than anything - the fear of not doing well, of what people will say. You've got to acknowledge those fears, then release them." --Mark Allen

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Days 125 & 126

Days 125-126: This weekend I finally made it up to Cleveland to see my new niece that is 4 weeks old!!! So there really wasn't any training this weekend, but I am ready to make up for it this week. I did however enjoy a short weekend with the in-laws seeing everyone and celebrating birthdays as well. With just under two months to go it is time to step in up a notch. I hope the rest I did get this weekend will pull me through the next 2 months. This lack of sleep is really getting to me. Almost there I just have to keep pushing.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Week 18: Day 120 - Day 124

Day 120: Today I thought about going swimming, but after thinking about it I decided to take today as a recovery day. I drove home today from Chattanooga so I took today to unpack and wash clothes. I like recovery days. Tomorrow will be a whole different story though.

Day 121: After a short discussion yesterday we decided to hit the Comet Trail early to get done and beat the heat. When I let the dogs out at 5 am this morning I knew it was going to be a tough day. Just letting the dogs out I was sweating. The humidity was horrible this morning and I was not looking forward to this speed work in it. Today was a really good speed workout day. It really got my legs burning after some single leg drills and a lot of in and out of the saddle. After the speed workout I was already pouring sweat and now it was time for a 2 mile brick. I had a really good run and felt really good even with all the humidity. I was really happy with my workout today and the best part about it I was done by 8:30 am. So I took sometime today to give my bike some loving and cleaned her up real good!! She almost looks like a new bike. =) I am really hoping this humidity ends soon, but I don't see that happening. Being able to rink your clothes out after a workout is not very cool. haha. Well tomorrow is Cartersville, lets hope for another good training day and less humidity. The days are ticking away.

Day 122: Catersville was a struggle today. I never sleep well at night anymore and it seems like the one time I feel like I am sleeping well 6 am comes fast. I woke up and I just wanted to stay in bed. Today I was physically just flat out tired, and I was feeling it today. I started with a 3 mile run and once again the humidity was in full blast. I ran 3 miles and my legs just felt heavy and tired from yesterday, and not even into half a mile I had sweat pouring off me. I made it through the 3 miles dragging only to hop on the bike for a 27 mile bike ride. I was really feeling my legs burning now with all the hill climbing we do on Wednesdays. Today I was also trying to do a lot of the hill climbing out of the saddle and boy were my legs burning. After what seemed like a never ending 27 mile ride and just wanting to go home to go to sleep, I kept moving on and headed to the lake. One thing about the lake is once you start you can't stop till you get back and what sucks is I can't float. By this time I was really struggling physically, because I was so tired. I did about a mile swim, and I can probably saw it wasn't very productive. I was probably better off just going home. I did get through it though and the one good thing I think I did get out of it was, just keep pushing know matter how hard and just finish. Tomorrow I won't be training because I am going to spend the day with my Husband for our anniversary!!!!! He did say that he wanted to go on a bike ride tomorrow. Maybe this is a start to him getting into tri's =)

Day 123: Today Jordan and I celebrated our 4th year anniversary!!!! It is crazy how fast time flies, I can't believe it is already 4 years. With that being said, I didn't train today. I did however enjoy the day with Jordan. It started out very nice since I got to sleep in!!!!! At first I woke up at 7 am and I watched tv for a little bit in bed and I managed to fall back to sleep. =) After sleeping in we enjoyed a nice breakfast at one of our favorite places and then came back to the house to relax for a while. And yes later on we did go for a bike ride!!! I see a bike in Jordan's future. We enjoyed a nice 15 mile bike ride on the Silver Comet Trail. I was also nice and let him ride my bike, while I rode a bike we borrowed from a friend. Within minutes he was already down in the aero position taking off. After a fun filled day we enjoyed a nice dinner at Leon's and really enjoyed it. Overall we had a fun day just spending time together, and that is what matters the most! With all the fun it is time to try to get back to training this week, which is going to be hard since I am trying to head out of town to see my new niece again in Cleveland.

 He stole my bike and wouldn't give it back.

Day 124: Today is a day that is hard to fit training in since I do double shifts. So I think I will enjoy doing nothing again and try to get some sleep for work. Tomorrow morning I am heading to Cleveland to see my nieces!!! Hopefully I can get a run in when I get up there, but we'll see.

“A life spent defensively, worried, is to me a life wasted…life, to me, is a series of false limits and my challenge as an athlete is to explore those limits.” ---Lance

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 118 & day 119: Chattanooga Waterfront Tri Weekend

Day 118: After 2 hours of sleep after working all night it was time to hit the road to Chattanooga. When I got there my mom was there waiting for me all checked in to the hotel. It is so nice to see her since it has been a while. After getting settled in the room I headed of to packet pick up and got everything that I need for tomorrow. I was excited to see that they had the Tri tattoo numbers. And boy there where also stickers for everything. I felt like I was in a 3D sticker book and just putting stickers everywhere. Jordan also decided to surprise me last minute and drive up to Chattanooga to see my race!!! This will be the first triathlon race he will see. When he got there all 3 of us walked around a little bit since Jordan has never been here. After doing some site seeing it was back to the room to put all the final touches on things before tomorrow. I am also starting to feel a little better so let's hope for a good race tomorrow!!! Oh and I get to see my dad tomorrow as well!!!

Day 119: Like always I didn't sleep well, but I don't know a lot of people that do sleep well before a race. 5 am came fast and after I got my Tri stuff on down to transition to get everything set up I went. Setting everything up is starting to feel like second nature and always seems to go smoothly but I still always have that feeling that I'm missing something. 6:40 am came and on the bus I went to go to the start


 I was feeling relaxed and ready. I just wish I still would have gotten more training in this week. One thing that is nice about this race is it is a time trail start and the let off one person at a time every 3 seconds. Sometime around 7:50 I was off swimming. I was feeling a little tired right away in the swim, but one I got going and loosened up I start finding my groove and was on cruise control. I got out of the water about 2 mins fast then last year so I was hoping to keep this up and just go full speed ahead.

 Usually I like to take my time in transition, but really wanted this race so I got everything on for the bike and away I went hearing my parents and Jordan cheering for me! The bike started out slow my legs where feeling tired and just could push hard up these hills. I think I also forgot how long some of these hills really were as well. I just kept thinking this is good training for Wisconsin, so just push. It took me about 7 miles to get into my groove and I finally got going. I am still having problems with my garmin 310xt so I started to get a little frustrated, but I knew I couldn't let it ruin my races I just ignored it and kept on biking. As I approached the bike finish the crowd was cheering and I also heard my family cheering! That always make a big difference and just makes you wanna push that much hard.

 In and out of transition was smooth and quick and off on the run I went. And about .5 into the run there they were the dreaded stairs to climb. I took my time up them and once I finally got to the top away I went. My legs were feeling a little heavy but over all I was feeling pretty good,but oh my word it was HOT! Around mile 3  I stared to break down a little the heat was getting to me and I was just ready to be done. Around 3.5 miles at the water station they had ice and I took two cups and poured the ice straight down my shirt. It felt so good, but it didn't last long because it was so hot it melt in a matter of minutes. Around mile 5 came the dreaded hill as well and I just wasn't feeling it so I decided to walk up it. With the heat, taking my time going up the steps and walking the hill I knocked around 8 minutes off my time.

I was hoping to be under 3 hours and I just missed it. I finished in 3:01:03, if I just would have pushed a little harder on the run. Oh well next time. I am still really happy with what I did though I knocked 16 minutes of my total time from last year!

Week 17: Days 113-117

Day 113: Happy 4th of July!!!!! There is no better way to start the 4th by running the Peachtree Road Race. 60,000 runners gather in Atlanta to run a 10k. It is such a fun event and every year I say I wanna run it for fun and really enjoy it but then when it comes time to run I just start running and don't stop. =) We had an amazing group of people get together after the race as well for breakfast and then Jordan and I just enjoyed the day together. Since it was the 4th of July I opted not to swim and enjoy the day. Starting tomorrow it will be time to focus on the upcoming race on Sunday though.

Day 114: Today I was suppose to ride on the Comet for speed work, but with all the rain we got that night I knew it would be trashed so I enjoyed a little more sleep and had every intention to get on the trainer instead. After a trip to Poduim Multi Sports to have some things looked at, getting on the trainer never happened. Sometime work just gets in the way of training. If I just had time to get everything done, train and work it would be so much better. As soon as you get off your time crunched schedule a little, it seems that you can't just fit it all in. Sticking with the planned out timed schedule is key.

Day 115: Today was not a good training day in Cartersville, which makes me mad. I love training up there and when I have an off day it just bums me out. Today I started not feeling well which is never good especially since I have a race this weekend,which I think is part of the reason the training today wasn't very good. The only good thing is that I got to relax a little long and enjoy the food this time with everyone. After getting home and still not feeling well work was not a good idea so I stayed home and relaxed in bed all day hopoing to feel better tomorrow so I can run.

Day 116: Today I was still not feeling well and I just wanted to leave work early to go home and just be in bed. I stuck it out, but I canned the running for today. I am more worried about feeling better for this weekend then getting a training run in. The days are ticking away fast and this is not a good time to not be feeling well. Since tomorrow is a double shift for me at work I know I won't getting anything done tomorrow so looks like no more training before the race this weekend.

Day 117: Today is my double shift day for work so it is sleepy time and no training. I did get everything ready to go though for the trip to Chattanooga for my race on Sunday. I am really exciting, because my parents will be there cheering me on.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 112

Day 112: Today a group of us girls went up into North GA to ride the Gaps! There were 8 of us and we had a blast with 2 of them being the first time up there. We did the 3 Gap which included Neel's, Wolf Pen and Woody's. I felt really good climbing those hills today and I really think at times I could have pushed harder. I am always scared though because I never wanna bonk and struggle climbing. I guess there is only one way to find out. I am really thinking next time I head up there I may wanna try to do the 3 Gap twice and maybe one day I will get the courage to do Hogpen. I hope with all the hill climbing it will really help me when it comes time for Wisconsin. After riding the 3 Gap I went out for a short mile run. I started cramping on the run which in never good so I think I need to work on my nutrition a little more on the bike so I am ready for the run.

On top at Neel's Gap

On top on Wolf Pen

On top at Woody's

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 111

Day 111: After being up all night from work and dropping the dogs of at daycare and rushing off to the airport, I never made it to Cleveland. So now to find another weekend to try to see my new little munchin niece =) I did get some errands done which was nice and I also was able to pick up Jordan's and my race numbers for the Peachtree Road Race! Another exciting thing was after checking the Ironman Wisconsin day after day to try to get a room at the host hotel, I finally got one today!!! So now as soon as I cross the finish line i literally walk 100 yards and I am at the hotel. So training wise nothing got done, but I did get other things done. Since I didn't make it out to Cleveland tomorrow I will be hitting the Gaps with some people for a hill grinding ride.

Week 16: 106-110

Week 16: Day 106, Today I feel great even with everything I did this weekend. The body feels a little tired, but I feel as though I can still do things. Last night I watched the athletes from Ironman Coeur d'Alene finish last night online and it just raised my excitement another level!!! I can't wait for Sept. 11, 2011 to hear "Tracey Suvak You Are An Ironman," there is just something about it. 2 1/2 months to go! Well even though I didn't want to get back in the water today, I did. I took it pretty easy, which wasn't hard since I was really feeling it in my shoulders today when I was swimming. I think today is the first time I really felt fatigued when I was training. Today I did 2,800 yds in the pool and was ready for it to be over, haha. Then main thing is that I got a nice easy swim in today. Now I can't wait till Friday, because I am getting a sports massage and I need it!

Day 107: Well today is suppose to be speed work on the bike, but with the legs still feeling tired a little I am going to rest them today so when I go out to Cartersville tomorrow I am going to try to do the speed work up the hills. Hills are my weakness right now so I really want to work on my hill work. So today I am going to get things done around the house and get ready for a good training day tomorrow.

Day 108: Today I had a really good day in Cartersville. I was hoping to get up there in time to get a run in, but didn't make it up there for that. So I started with the normal 27 mile loop that we always did. I felt really good today since I didn't do speed work yesterday. So today I really pushed myself up the hills and it felt good! I did the 27 miles in 1:24:11 and averaged 18.7, I was so happy and just lets me know I can really push myself if I try. Thanks to Betsy we really pushed each other. After the bike we hit the lake and had a good swim. My shoulders are still feeling it a little from this weekend so I can't wait till Friday. Overall I had a really good training day.

Days 109 & 110: Nothing to say besides that I slacked these days. Although I did get a sports massage today (Friday) and it hurt, but it felt good. Also I am not sure how much I will get done this weekend since I am going to try to go to Cleveland to see my new niece!