Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 105

Day 105: Today was the 5k swim race, and I FINISHED!!!!! I did find out though that the course was around 3.4 miles so it was more then a 5k and I was more then ready to get out of the water. I was feeling good this morning, but of course nervous. The weather was perfect for the start as well. There were 2 different waves and I was in the first one so away in the water I went. The water was a little chilly at first but it was perfect once I started swimming. Right away I was feeling good and I got into my groove. I was really impressed on how clear and clean the lake was. There were even time when I could see the bottom which I am not sure I liked, because then I felt like I wasn't going anywhere. I was really focused on just finishing at least the 2.4 and anything after that was a bonus and that is exactly what it was. I would say about 2.8 miles in I just wanted to be out of that water and on land. I started getting sea sick and I just wanted to throw up, so I slowly breast stroked and enjoyed the amazing view of the mountains. I started feeling a little better so Dora told me to "Just keep swimming" and that I did. I also felt a cramp trying to come on in my left calf, but luckily it never fully developed. There was even a time where I think I had a 20 min conversation with myself to not give up and just keep going. Swimming is definitely my weakest point and I just hope to get stronger. Overall the main thing is is that I finished! Would i do it again...NO!!! I will just stick to the 2.4 miles, swimming is just not my thing. I like to look around and see things and in swimming I can only see my hands go through the water so long before I feel like I am going insane. I definitely got my confidence from this swim though and I know I will be ready for Ironman Wisconsin. Even though I don't wanna see water for a while, I will still be hitting the pool tomorrow...Just Keep Swimming!!!!!

The water is your friend.  You don't have to fight with water, just share the same spirit as the water, and it will help you move.  ~Aleksandr Popov

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 104

Day 104: Today I did the Caretersville Century!!!! Not only did I complete my second century but I did them both back to back weekends and I feel great! They day didn't start out to well when I set my alarm clock for the wrong time, the good thing though is that we had planned on starting early. Even though I was late for the time we wanted to start, we where still able to get out there on time and still a little early! The weather was almost perfect! It was a cool morning, but heavy fog but it never was a factor. The humidity was there though and me being a sweater, I was already dripping sweat by mile 10. I was a little worried because I was in a here where I got there to get ready I forgot to put on some butt cream. Lucky I had just bought a new pair of bike shorts and I think that was the life saver. I had a successfully ride with no chaffing!!!! I loved the course, it had a lot of hills, short and long. I really hope all this hill ride will have me ready for Ironman Wisconsin. I think we did set a record though with being chased by dogs. I think today we had a total of 7-9 dogs chase us, and we survived all the chases!!!! Also I have been trying to hit 40 mph on my bike and I almost got it today, but I just couldn't get it. I hit 39.5 UGH.  Overall I felt amazing on this century ride and I am happy with my time. I finished in 5:54. I still have a lot of work to do, but I think with the training I have left I am hoping to get there.
After the bike like always I went out on a 3 mile run. That is were I struggled today. I don't think it was because I pushed it hard on the bike, because my legs felt great and energy wise I was good. I was just getting bad side cramps and those are never fun. I have a feeling though I didn't drink enough on the bike because I know I didn't go through the same amount last week. So I know I have to remember to DRINK! One other thing also I have been drinking a new drink called Infinit Nutrition. I love everything about it. It is a special mix that is made just for me, based on my weight, how much I sweat and how much I am training and so much more!!! It eliminates also me having to eat while I am on the bike, because everything I need is in the drink. It is amazing and I never felt hungry once on the bike, so that is a good thing.

Well tomorrow is the bike day. A 5k swim. Lets hope I pull this off.

In order to get things you never had, you must do things you never did.

Week 15: Days 99-103

Week 15, Day 99: Today was a long day. I had to go into work this morning and I am normally off. I knew I was tired and need sleep when I slept through my alarm and was late for work. Since I was late for work my day was even more crazy with training to fit everything in. The most important thing though is that I got in all my training! I had an amazing leg workout, which I am sure I will be feeling tomorrow. I also got my swim in! I didn't get the distance in that I wanted to, but I was talking with coach Larry a lot and he was really working with me today. My stroke is still looking good, but just made a few minor changes and also worked on my speed. Even though I didn't get the distance in it was still a good swim workout based on all I learned. Let's just hope I can keep it up so I can get my speed fast for the race.

Day 100: WOW, 100 days into training and only 81 days to go!!! Crazy, I can't believe how close it is. I am getting more and more excited everyday. Today I also finalized a few things for the race as well, and it is all starting to come together. Today I went to Podium Multi Sports and bought myself a new saddle for my bike! I also got a lot of questions answered that I wasn't sure about. They are so amazing there and always want the best for you!!!! Thanks Allen! Slowly all my questions are getting answered and it's all coming together. I also should be getting my new Garmin watch any day now. I can't wait to start playing with it and really start to dig deep into my training. Before going to Podium I was wheels down today at 6:30 am for a good speed workout on the bike. I was really feeling it today though since my legs were sore from my leg workout last night. Besides my legs feeling tired, I felt good and had a really good 2 mile run after the speed work. I know I have said this before, but my legs are really feeling good on the runs I am doing after riding. I remember when I first started to do bricks I thought I was going to die and never get through it. Now it is like nothing and I just cruise. I also got in a good upper body workout as well. I still am feeling tired already, but I just have to keep pushing through. Since all my distances are increasing now I just have to stick with and keep pushing and soon I am hoping I won't keep feeling this tired.

Day 101: When I woke up this morning it was raining so I decided not to drive up to Cartersville. Of course I made the wrong decision. After about an hour it stopped raining and I could have gotten my training in. I was going to try to head to the pool, but when I get started in cleaning some of the house I lost track of time and then it was to late. I was disappointed in myself because I stayed on track so well last week and was hoping to keep it going.

Day 102: When another day that I did nothing and tomorrow may be the same. I know this weekend though is going to be a good training weekend. I am doing another century on Saturday and then on Sunday I am doing a 5k swim!!!!! I did get my new garmin watch in the mail today!!!! I got it all working except for I need to go get the cadence sensor put on tomorrow. Thanks to my awesome husband he helped me get it all put together and I can't wait to use it this weekend.

Day 103: Today once again I didn't get any training in, but I did head over to Podium and had them put on my cadence sensor!!! Now I know my cadence =) Other then that I didn't do much. I just got everything ready for my 2nd century!!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 98

Day 98: Sometimes I just wanna sleep in, but when that alarm goes off at 6:45 am there is only one thing to do.... Get out of bed and start training. I really am enjoying the training part, but I am ready for the day to just sleep in. I actually felt good waking up after my century yesterday, and now it was time to go for a 9 mile run. Today was really humid and it was not fun running. I was only 1.5 miles into the run and I was already literally dripping sweat. If it wasn't for the humidity it would have been a perfect morning for a run. I did the 9 mile loop from my house running around Virgina Highlands and Emory. I was really struggling in the beginning and about 4 miles in my legs started to loose up and I started feeling good. I guess I should say I felt good when I wasn't running up hills and on the route there are a lot of hills. I hope all this hill training will have me ready for Wisconsin, but for some reason those the hills never seem to get easier. I was glad to be done though and ready for a shower. I could have rank out my running clothes when I was done, because of how bad I was sweating from the humidity. I enjoyed the rest of the morning relaxing for a little and watching tv, until it was time to hop in the car and head to Allatoona Lake to go swimming. I swam with Get Fit Atlanta today and boy was it nice to get in the water. I felt really good swimming and I felt like my stroke was staying strong the whole time!!! I can really tell I am get strong in everything. I swam 3,800 yds and felt good the whole time. Since it was the weekend the lake was crowd and there were a lot of boats outside of the cove, but because of the boats it was making the water chopping which was really good experience. There was a little bit of a current as well so I also had to swim against a current going out, but it was nice to have the current on my side going in. Overall today was a really good training day and I had a very good training week!!! I got in about 18 hours of training!!!!  I can't believe Ironman Moo Moo (Wisconsin) is only 3 months away. Hoping my training continues like this.

A person fails to reach their potential when they fail to pay the price.

Day 97

Day 97: Today I did my FIRST CENTURY!!!!!! I did the Jackson County Brevet Century and loved every minute of it!

Getting ready for my first Century!!!

We were wheel down at 6:30 and enjoyed a rolling hill century with so strong winds. Since I have never biked in Jackson County it was nice to see new scenery. There were a lot of Moo Moo's so I was picturing myself as if I was in Wisconsin! I did the century in 6:16 and only stopped at 2 SAG stops. Not a fast century but now that I have one under my belt I know what 100 feels like. Physically I wasn't completely wiped but I had a few saddle issues and my back was killing. After narrowing it all down I realized why I chaffed so bad in the saddle and also my back was hurting really bad, because my handle bars got lowered. Since my handle bars go lowered so I can lower my torso so I'm not catching as much wind it is going to affect my back and take a few weeks to get use to. Also I need to remember to use more butt cream, yes I said butt cream =) I also had another first today! I once again dropped my chain but I was able to get my chain on with out stopping!!!! It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. It took me a few times, but I got it! Over all it was a very successful first century and I;m ready to do another one!

 After my first century thinking that I still have to add on a 2.4 miles swim, 12 more miles on the bike and a 26.2 mile run....ugh

Just Kidding I was feeling good and ready to go for a run.

Thanks to Misty for pushing me and getting me through my first century!

I also have to say that not only did I do my first century, but the training plan also called for a 45 min run, so guess what I did? I also ran 45 mins after!!! I felt really good on the run as well. I am not sure how far I ran since I forgot my Garmin watch but I am guessing I did about 4-4.5 miles! After the 45 mins I still was feeling good and felt like I could have kept running, so I am guessing that is good =) After today it really got me even more excited to do Ironman Wisconsin and see how far I can push myself to the limits. I am excited for these last 3 months of training to get me ready for a great race!!!!!

Oh one more thing my niece was also born last night!!!! Welcome to the world Lilly!!! Can't wait to meet you and yes I am going to give a weekend up to meet you! Love you!!!

The bicycle is a curious vehicle.  Its passenger is its engine.  ~John Howard

Friday, June 17, 2011

Week 14: Days 92 - 96

Day 92: Still trying to get everything back in order from being gone for a little over a week. So it was good that I had all morning to get things done before I hit the pool at the Concourse. Tonight's workout was really tough as well and since I haven't done anything for a week I really felt like a slug. It was really nice being back in the pool and it kinda made me realize that I do like to swim more then I thought. So thought is good, now if I can just get faster. We did about 3,100 yds on very little breaks and we were pushing ourselves on speed as well so it really kicked my butt. I am also feeling a difference in my stroke from when I feel like I am doing it right verse when I start to get tired and not focusing on the stroke and it actually feels hard. I am hoping at some point top get another video of my swim to see if it really is improving on the things I have been working on. Overall I was pleased with my swim and ready to get in the pool again.

Day 93: Today was an early morning and had wheels done at 6:30 for speed work. Misty and I had 2 other people join us today which was nice to have more people suffer with you =) Taking a week off always amazes me how fast you loose your endurance and your strength. This speed work really kicked my butt, and overall we did 28 miles with a 2 mile run after. It was nice to get out early and beat the heat. It was still hot but not as bad as it would have been later on. I must say though that speed work always sucks when you are doing it, but it always feels good when you are done. I had a really good 2 miles run after as well and I have noticed myself getting stronger! After a good speed workout I hit the gym to workout with Pamela and had a really good upper body workout. I am really going to feel it tomorrow.
Today I also went over to Podium Multi Sports and had a fitting done for a Time Trial Bike (Tri Bike). Still not sure if I am going to get on, but I thought that I would get fitted and keep my eyes open. I had a really good fitting session and I am also going to bring my Trek on Friday and get some adjustments on that as well. I can't wait! I'll keep you informed as well about the Tri bike as well! Tomorrow should be another fun and exciting day at Cartersville!

Day 94: Cartersville Today! I was hoping to get there early enough to get a run in but that didn't happen. Today on the 27 mile bike ride I was hurting. My legs felt really tired and sluggish from the speed work the day before. I did survive though but I just felt like I was struggling the whole time. I did get my clips adjusted on my shoes and I did notice a difference and it felt a better. I can't wait to take my bike in tomorrow and they are going to look to see if any adjustments need to be made! I can't wait and I also my be getting a new seat. With these things I am hoping to have a good Century ride this weekend. After surviving the ride today we went over to swim at Lake Allatoona like always. I did the 1.2 mile swim and once again struggled through that. This week I have been really tired and I think it is a combination of things. I am hoping I do keep struggling all of a sudden. During the swim I just felt really slow and tired, but i kept pushing through. I just hope I will be ready for the 5k swim next weekend. After it was all said and done I made it through the bike and swim and as much as I wanted to stop I kept pushing forward! Lets hope this week I start feeling stronger with everything that is planned for training this weekend.

Day 95: Today was a hot day and I guess I better get use to it, because it is only going to get hotter. Today I was going to try to do a faster then normal 4 mile run, but when I started out in the heat that changed everything. I was just glad to get through the 4 miles. Every time I got to a hill through I did sprint up it. Man that was a killer. =) I really love warm weather, but training in the heat is never fun. I can promise one thing right now though... I will never do Ironman Louisville, because of the heat.

Day 96: Day of rest!!!! I am really feeling like I need. Especially to get ready for my first century ride tomorrow! Today I am taking my road bike in to get so things looked at and maybe get a new seat for it. Can't wait!!! Also Jordan and I are going to go to the Braves game and enjoy sometime together. It's going to be a crazy weekend. Hope I'm ready for it!!!!!

Triathlon teaches us to rethink our boundaries. Or forget them altogether.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 91

Day 91: Well I got back from St. Maartin last night and I was already up early this morning and on the bike! Today I did a 66 mile bike ride and it felt really good to get back on the bike. Of course I felt out of shape for not doing anything for a week but I still pushed hard. Over all it was a good ride with a few bumps in the road and lost focus for a little but got it back and pushed on. I am hoping next weekend to finally get a 100 miler in. After the ride I did a little over a 3 mile run and boy was it hot. I love the hot weather, but I really hate it when I am running. It was a struggle to get the 3 miles in but I did it! Lets just hope that IM MOO will not be hot. Now that the vacation is over, I am ready to hit the training hard with no excuses so IM MOO here I come.

Days 83 - 84 & Week 13: Days 85-90

All I can say about all these days is ST. MAARTIN!!!!!!! It was an amazing and relaxing trip and I enjoyed every moment of it. I had every intention to try to do some swimming and running when I was there but me being the slacker that I am enjoyed every minute of relaxing and doing nothing. I did go to the gym one day if that does count for anything. I can say though after all the fun and relaxing I did I am now ready to go full speed forward now and hit the training hard.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Week 12: Days 78 - 82

Day 78: Today was Memorial Day and Jordan and I spent the day at the lake with some friends!!! We had a blast and really enjoyed the day together. Also I want to thanks the servicemen and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country!

Day 79: Today I got my groove and I went out to the comet trail to do some speed work!!! And tough it was. I did really enjoy it though and thanks to Misty for holding me accountable for being out there!!! With a little bit of riding and speed work I did 24 miles. It is amazing how fast 24 miles goes when your use to those longer rides on the weekend.  =) After the speed work I did a 3 mile run. All the running I am doing after all my rides my legs are feeling good so I am happy about that. The only bad thing about day was the humidity. I felt like had had just jumped in a pool when I was done. I have a feeling this is going to be a every hot summer. I hope I'm ready for all this training in this heat.

Day 80 - Day 82: Well my groove only last one day this week. With a lot of stuff going on and trying to get ready for our trip that we leave for on Saturday I really don't see any training in my future for this week. UGH! All I can hope for is maybe I get get a little training in while I am on vacation. Lets just hope I have room in my bag for extra clothes so I can train! Check back sometime after June 11th to see how the trip was and if I got training in!