Day 63: Tomorrow is the big day for the Rev 3 Knoxville half!!!! And the morning didn't start out good but the day did get better. We wanted to be out of the room by 8:30 am to head down to the river to get a short swim in but when my alarm on my phone went off and then realized my phone for some reason switched to Central time when we are in Easter Time we were already behind schedule. Oh well sometimes I guess you just have to go with the flow. I am glad we did get a chance to get into the river for a swim. When I get in this morning I was having flashbacks of Beach to Battleship. The water was FREEZING!!!! Only thing I can hope for is that maybe it will make me swim fast just so I can get out of the water. After swimming and then getting ready for the day we headed over to the expo to get checked in and get everything we need for the race. The Expo was outside by the finish shoot and seeing that got me really pumped up and excited for the race. After listening to the athlete briefing and hearing about the bike course we thought we should head to the car and take a drive. So we drove some of the bike course and I am glad we did this. The bike course is a very technical bike course with a lot of hill climbing, descents, and turns. This is really going to challenge me tomorrow, but I am very excited and up for the challenge. I really think this is going to be a great training course for Ironman Wisconsin. After getting back from driving the course we got our bikes ready and walked them down to transition and got them all covered up since it is suppose to rain later on. We went to dinner right next to transition and of course on the walk back to the room it started raining! Lets just say there was no way to stay dry.

After getting back we got the rest of our stuff together and now it is time for bed and get rested up for tomorrow.
Good Night!!!!
Oh and I'll be looking forward to seeing this tomorrow!
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