A little background first...
This crazy idea started when I decided I wanted to do something big for my 30th birthday. I wanted a huge challenge and something that is going to test my limits and push me that much harder. Having already done marathons (I have done 7 to date) I needed something else. Done the Goofy Challenge as well. One thing I haven't tried yet is triathlons so I decided to go big right away. That's where the Ironman came into play. I had nothing for doing triathlons as of a year ago. So I starting looking for a bike and everything else I needed. In March 2011 I finally purchased my bike!!!! Only after 2 months of having my bike I already signed up for a sprint triathlon in May. Not knowing what to expect I had an amazing race, I took first in my age group!!!!
I complete my next triathlon in July which was an Olympic Distant Triathlon. Still be new to the sport that one was a rude awaking on how intense and hard triathlons can really be. It still wasn't going to stop me. I knew I wanted to at least do 2 half Ironman distant races before the year was over to get my feet wet a little more for next year. So I signed up for Augusta 70.3 Ironman and Beach to Battleship.
Augusta 70.3 was such an amazing race! The course and spectators were all amazing. For being my first 70.3 I had an amazing race finish under 6 hours, which I never thought I would do!!! Finishing in 5:53 I was on such a high and ready for my next which caused me to sign up for Beach to Battleship. I had high expectations going into Beach to Battleship 70.3 and after having a bad race and finishing over 6 hours I was bumming for a while. After a friend looked up the results and saw that I finished 9th out of 31 people in my age group it made me feel a little better!!!!
With an amazing first year triathlons I am ready to see what this year will hold for me. I hope that you will follow me in my training to becoming an Ironman and see how I do!!! My main goal is to just finish the Ironman but I would also like to see me finish in under 15 hours!!! I hope all my training pays off.
On last thing, This is my first time doing a blog and I hope you all enjoy so you can follow me in my training and races. I am going to at least post something weekly but I will try to do more, especially if something exciting is happening or come up! Hope you all enjoy and please cheer me on. I need all the support I can get! And for all my friends and family I can't already thank you all enough for all the support you guys have already given me just in the beginning stages! Thanks!!!
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